John F. Kennedy once said that “Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future”.
There is absolutely no doubt that he was right. Change happens all the time.
Every application implementation project has an inherent portion that involves change and that is good. Adopting new behaviors can allow for improved efficiency, less stress (eventually) and many other benefits.
Is a Cloud implementation any different?
If you’re attending the ALLIANCE 18 Conference next week, make sure to attend the Highstreet presentation by Steve Shores, Oracle Cloud Solution Architect and Pratish Menon, Director of Oracle Cloud Applications.
To the Cloud. A long way to move the cheese.
Tues, March 27, 2018 [8:30 AM – 9:30 AM] | ROOM: 251 A
This presentation will explore the behavior changes that need to be addressed during the implementation phase of a Cloud Enterprise solution. Ownership, participation, leadership and new ways to learn, all of these will be discussed in the context of a Cloud implementation project.
Learning Objective 1: Cloud implementations are different and thus the change management approach should be different
Learning Objective 2: The speed of a Cloud implementation requires that users develop a strong ability to grasp knowledge transfer early in the implementation project
Learning Objective 3: Understand the basic ingredients for a Cloud Change Management approach
And, stop by the Highstreet Booth #1232 and meet Steve and Pratish and other Highstreet experts in person.