As the number of Managed Application Service Providers (MASPs) continues to skyrocket, it’s gotten more difficult to tell the difference among them. An overwhelming majority of MASPs promise reduced costs, freeing up time of your internal resources, and application support. These service providers are called, “Application-focused” MASPs. They’re good at “keeping the lights on.” But a Business-Driven MASP delivers real strategic value without the burden of an expensive in-house team.
Characteristics of “Application-Focused” Managed Application Services
Application Focused Managed Application Services provide operational best practices and generally adhere to standards-based service management, such as ITIL. They commit to SLAs for uptime and help desk responsiveness, and are responsible for patching applications, incident response, as well as other activities designed to keep your applications running at peak performance.
However, Application-Focused MASPs have limitations. They have narrow and/or siloed expertise and support. They tend to support only a subset of your applications, know little to nothing about your business and industry, and force you to rely on yet another provider to support your infrastructure and other applications. Their focus is on operational best practices and saving you money, not growing your business.
Download the Insight Brief: Are You Looking for Someone to Support Your Apps or Grow Your Business? to learn more about the characteristics you should look for to help you determine which service provider best fits your organization’s requirements and priorities.