Oracle explores what the enterprise IT world will look like by 2025 as the adoption of cloud rises.
According to Oracle’s Top Ten Cloud Predictions (2019), we are now in an era of co-existence among private data centers, managed cloud environments, and self-service public clouds. Enterprises almost universally consume public-cloud resources today, and mission critical workloads are an increasing part of that consumption.
Prediction #2
80% of all enterprise (and mission-critical) workloads will move to the cloud.
The migration of applications and workloads from all corners of enterprise IT has created demand for a new breed of integration and migration tools that can ease an enterprise’s path to the cloud.
Mission-critical applications that cannot afford to suffer any downtime are leaving the enterprise data center behind. This shift is impossible to prevent, and it’s increasingly a major part of the conversation about moving enterprise IT forward in terms of efficiency and reliability.
Download Oracle Top Ten Cloud Predictions (2019) – Predicting the future of the enterprise cloud by 2025—your company in the cloud.
Source: Oracle