To create a Navigation Collection and add it as a Tile in your Homepage allows for easy access to related Classic and Fluid pages.
Navigation Collection
- To create a Navigation Collection to be used as a Tile.
- Navigation โ PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Utilities > Navigation Collection
- High level Steps:
- Create or edit a navigation collection.
- Select a source folder.
- Select navigation collection images.
- Edit a folder.
- Select a local / remote link.
- Add / Edit a link.
Tile Wizard
- Used for step by step guide to create and publish Tiles.
- User-friendly, browser-based graphical user interface.
- Navigation โ PeopleTools > Portal > Tile Wizard.
- High level Steps:
- Specify tile information.
- Select the data source.
- Select the target page and tile repository location.
- Specify display properties.
- Review and publish the tile definition.
Add Tile Page
- Use the Add Tile (PT_LANDINGPAGE) page to add a tile to a Homepage.
- Navigation โ Fluid Home > Action List > Personalize Home Page
Learn more here.
Source: Oracle